Today is my [me=sarah] birthday! Woohoo! The (not-so) big 2-4.
Milo had a busy day. First we went to Nursing Mom's Chat at the Lakewood Family Room, which is literally a block from home. This was our second time there. Last time we went Milo was 3 mos old and crabby! Every time a baby would cry, he'd wail. He got so angry that I had to leave early. No socializing for Mommy... oh well. But this time was different. Four mos is quite a change because Milo was happy to be there. No fuss. No crabs. Not even a shriek. He was living it up, staring at the other babies, smiling at whoever and just plain ol' enjoying himself. And finally Mommy got to socialize. One Mama said, "Oh I see you're in a much better mood this time!" Now I have more incentive to show up every week... rather than every month.
We went on two long walks around town--one was to Melt for a vegan cheese sandwich. Milo loves being walked around, preferably in the ring sling or our new wrap. He loves being worn and I love getting the exercise from walking with him attached to me. He's a 17 lb weight right there! He also likes his jogging stroller, but not as much as the baby carriers. He can't get a 360 degree view of things from the stroller.
Milo is now laughing... mostly at Daddy's antics. And Allie, the poodle. He likes when she plays with her squeaky toy. He's smiles all the time now. So cute.
Well, I'll try to write more later. I've actually been working on a lot of projects from home (this work-at-home stuff can be tough!!) and I'm trying to escape from the laptop. Now, when Milo is asleep for the night, is a great time to work on projects (and sometimes it's my ONLY time) but now I'm burnt out. Ugh... if only I didn't have to worry about making some sort of an income...
Aw, that's cute that he smiles a lot! I'm glad he was happy to be at the chat! That's funny that one of the moms remembered him!
Happy Birthday Sarah! Nice blog. You are still sooo young at 24! Making me feel old. Milo is a cutie and I am glad he is making things easier for you so you can get out and socialize with other nursing moms. Kids are never know how they are going to react. Have a great day!
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